Economic and Social Fund for Development (ESFD) – Risk Sharing Scheme
Area of Operation: Lebanon
Duration of Assignment: October 2009 – June 2011
Name of Client: AHT Group AG
Project Description:
Funded by the European Commission, ESFD had been providing wholesale credit lines for on-lending to SME to three partner banks. During a review of the operations, the shift to a risk-sharing scheme was recommended and a feasibility study was hence proposed.
Our Services:
- Designed the scheme and established a financial model to analyse sustainability, guarantee fund to be capitalized with approximately USD 24.4 million.
- Carried out a feasibility study for risk-sharing scheme (partial credit guarantees for urban and rural SME in underprivileged regions of Lebanon) with corresponding market sounding and facility designing.
- Drafted agreements with partner banks.
- Establishing set policies and procedures in a comprehensive operation manual.
- Presented and negotiated the scheme to partner banks.
- Identified institutional requirements for ESFD and recommended accordingly.
- Designed another scheme (capital of USD 2.5 million) to be implemented by ESFD for UNDP Lebanon.