Feasibility Study on a Credit Guarantee Fund in DR Congo

Area of Operation: Democratic Republic of Congo

Duration of Assignment: April 2020 – September 2020

Name of Client: KfW Development Bank

Project Description:

The DRC feasibility project aimed to prepare a feasibility study with the objective to carry out a market analysis as a prerequisite to develop a feasible program concept for the establishment of a Credit Guarantee Fund (CGF) in DR Congo, including a detailed description of the proposed institutional set-up and the organizational and functional structure. The study was carried out in two phases. At the end of Phase I (market analysis), KfW in coordination with other stakeholders decided to proceed with Phase II (assessment of CGF institutional setup options).

Our Services:

  • Advised and facilitated the programme design process and testing of programme options.
  • In-depth analysis of DRC’s regulatory framework in coordination with the legal advisor.
  • Developed core user requirements of the MIS and definition of the main components.
  • Oversight of Enterprise Risk Management core policies development.
  • Developed a financial model determining the outlook for achieving sustainability.
  • Estimation of the required capital for the CGF, cost structures and start up financing.
  • Estimation of portfolio evolution and support in strategizing the capital usage and plan for fundraising and counter guarantees.
  • Prepared forward-looking strategy including expect capital usage, plans for fundraising and counter guarantees.
  • Developed core areas of ERM.
  • Researched and identified PFIs, PEAs and Donors/DFIs (with CGF experience).

Identified partner financial institutions (PFIs) TA needs.

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